Kylie Jenner, the truth about her lips

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Kylie Jenner lips, chin, and face. Rumours, rumours, rumours!

I know that it has been a while since I do not write in this page.
I had a lot of time to research and study and only now I come up with the truth about Kylie Jenner.
As many of you know, I am an Anatomy expert and I can guess only with my eyes when someone has gone under the knife.
This is a clear case.
I will show you a serie of photos from Kylie jenner from her teenage till today.
It is not a secret anymore. She went under the knife before 18. Even when she claims that she didn´t, she did.
Let´s imagine that she used only fillers for her lips...
It is impossible to reduce the philtrum of the lips just with the use of fillers. The cutaneous skin in the upper lip (just under the nose) and the PHILTRUM will NEVER shorten or reduce its length with the injection of fillers, the other way around, if you inject fillers in that area what you get is a bigger area...
It is basically imposible to reach her appearance lips from no-where. And I mean nowhere because she had a LONG PHILTRUM and cutaneous upper lip before and VERY thin LIPS. Really THIN.

I show you in the next picture the anatomy of the lips and its different parts...

Evolution of Kylie Jenner in pics taken from Google Images

Note that in all these pictures I marked the area of the Cutaneous Upperlip between the base of the nose and the line of the upper lip.

You can compare the fotos on the left (before) with the fotos on the right (in the present or after the procedure). Can you see the difference marked with the white lines?
This is an example of LIP FIFT or what is also called BULLHORN

(ASK FOR YOUR FACIAL ANALYSIS writing an email to: revision.estetica(a)

Now you know what was the secret of Kylie and also Kim, the bigger sister of Kylie Jenner kim Kardashian was also taking the advantage of the knife and she also shortened this area in a simple intervention called LIP LIFT.
No Anesthesia, only under local and sedation.
Some stitches under the nose and back home, one week after this intervention nobody can guess what is different but you look more beautiful.

It definitely makes the face more feminine, young, sexy and harmonic.

After the lip lift she (of course) injected some fillers, high density, to create the look she has now.
Great change Kylie Jenner, but..

we cought you!

If you need a facial analysis, please get in contact with us writing an email to: revision.estetica(a)

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